Get your life and freedom back

Do you feel like something is holding you back and you have no idea what it could be? Have loved ones told you that you seem different? Do you experience memory loss with no medical explanation? You may have an entity attached to your aura

Spirit attachment is not uncommon but it's also an area of healing that isn't really talked about. Most people talk about negative attachments but ignore the earthbound souls that could be trapped in auras because of fear of crossing over. These discarnate entities refuse to go to the light for a myriad of reasons after death. They stay back on earth confused and may attach to aura of humans.

Dark Entities and Extraterrestrial Entities may also attach to auras. These attachments are not natural and could introduce their host to various addictions, bad habits and could also make them uncomfortable in their skin. These spirits latch on the human body when a person is physically or mentally weak, has a low vibration, suffers a trauma, undergoes hospitalization, consumes alot of alcohol and drugs. Entity attachment can also be transferred after having sex.

Session: $150

We have limited space for Pro Bono Clients, email us at info@odinachi.com to see if you qualify

Here are some signs of Entity Attachment

  • Unusual energy drain, mood swings or depression in daily life.

  • Relationship problems with yourself and others.

  • Feeling uneasy in your skin or uncomfortable with your own thoughts.

  • Hearing voices, feeling doubt and unease with your inner voice.

  • Unusual usage or binging of food, drugs or alchohol.

  • Unusual dreams or nightmares, visited by entities.

  • Suicidal thoughts.

  • Violet behavior and short temper.

  • Compulsive behavior

I personally had a couple of entity attachments that caused me to overeat, detest myself and whispered various times to end my life. At a point, I couldn't stand looking at myself in the mirror.

If you grew up as a Christian, you'll be familiar with the term casting out demons or deliverance. The only difference between Spirit Release Therapy and Christian deliverance is we send these entities away with love because we know that the light is healing and there's no hell on the other side. We send these discarnate souls to to the light filled with love and healing energy.

All sessions would be conducted via Zoom.

Session: $150

We have limited space for Pro Bono Clients, email us at info@odinachi.com to see if you qualify