Access the power within and become who you are destined to be.

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. We go through hypnosis daily. Have you ever driven past your exit and realized your mind was elsewhere? That’s a hypnotic state. A session with a professionally trained hypnotherapist can change your life, this is a form of alchemy where the professional hypnotist transforms lead into gold.

This is what the ancient alchemist did in the past, the goal is to unite the conscious and subconscious mind in an alchemical wedding to work in synergy so you can achieve your goals.

According to Psychology Today, Hypnotherapy sometimes called hypnotic suggestion is a therapeutic practice that uses guided hypnosis to help a client reach a trance-like state of focus, concentration, diminished peripheral awareness and heightened suggestibility

During a hypnosis session, imagine me as the GPS that guides you towards your healing / goals. There are some misconception about hypnosis, some people believe the hypnotist can make them bark like a dog or jump like a frog. Well the good news is i don’t have the power to do that, all hypnosis is SELF HYPNOSIS. You are in control and your healing is in your hands. I’m only a guide that helps you navigate the path of your healing journey.

Session: $125

We have limited space for Pro Bono Clients, email us at info@odinachi.com to see if you qualify

The life you’re living is what your subconscious mind believes you deserve! Cheryl O’neil

Have you tried to stop a habit but couldn’t? Here’s why

The mind is made of the masculine conscious mind and the feminine subconscious mind. The Conscious mind which makes up our logic, reasoning and willpower approximately makes up 12% of our mind.

The Subconscious mind is the boss lady who makes up approximately 88% of our mind. Think of this area of the mind as a memory card that stores positive and negative information from the past. These positive and negative information become Knowns and Unknowns. Your desire to change is probably an unknown to the subconscious mind which makes it more difficult to change a habit

There are two concepts for understanding why hypnosis is such an important tool for creating life changes:

HOMEOSTASIS: Homeostasis is our innate unconscious drive to "stay the same", this means all changes are resisted at a subconscious level. While we may desire a change in our feelings, reactions or habits, at a deeper level our subconscious defense mechanisms seek to preserve the status quo. So while talking, planning, discussion and rational understanding of behavior are all important concepts, they do not address our subconscious need to sabotage our success and / or efforts to change.

NEUROPLASTICITY: On a personal, spiritual and behavioral level, neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change throughout an individuals life. Our ability to change our beliefs, emotional responses and behavioral habits is dependent on the flexibility of our mind. Hypnosis, Therapeutic Imagery and NLP, mindfulness and more are tools used in hypnotherapy to facilitate the internal, emotional and behavioral flexibility needed to overcome homeostasis and release our subconscious needs to sabotage our success or resist our desires for change.

This is where i come in as your Hypno-guide. We quiet your logical mind, the chatty masculine conscious mind giving us access to delete the old applications stored in the subconscious mind and create new apps with the use of guided imagery, deep relaxation and positive suggestions.

Session: $125

We have limited space for Pro Bono Clients, email us at info@odinachi.com to see if you qualify

Hypnosis can help with a myriad of things such as

  • Career Success

  • Abandonment

  • Weight loss

  • Smoking

  • Self-defeating behaviors

  • Change Habits

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Lack of Ambition

  • Childbirth

  • Motivation

  • Shame

  • Self Confidence

  • Etc…..

At Odnachi Healing Circle, we focus on the following

  • Behavioral Change

  • Stress Management

  • Healing your Inner Child

  • Relationship Coaching

  • Discover your Life purpose

  • Childbirth

  • Fear of Success

  • Fear of Failure

  • Feeling Helpless

  • Past Life Regression.

All session will be conducted via Zoom.

Session: $125

We have limited space for Pro Bono Clients, email us at info@odinachi.com to see if you qualify

Please note that some presenting issues require a referral from a medical practitioner.

Source: Alfred A. Burros, PhD. American Health Magazine, August 2006.