Spiritual Awakening

My Spiritual Awakening Journey : The Genesis

Pamela Chioma Belonwu

6/3/20241 min read

Spiritual Awakening is a buzzword that has been going around for the past few years. In this blog post, I break down my spiritual awakening journey and there's a Link to my Podcast "Becoming The Avatar" and Youtube Channel where you can watch or listen to my journey.

I have always been connected to the Spirit realm. Child are said to be closer to the spirit world than adults. As a child, I had dreams that would happen immediately. The earliest dream i can remember that happened immediately was in 1995. I saw my fathers demise two days before it happened in the physical realm. I remember waking up and asking the ceiling "What is Death?"

As a child I was taken to numerous churches because the ladies in my family believed I was possessed by a demon and hoped that the pastors would eliminate this dark energy from my soul 😆

At the age of 11 I told my Aunt who raised me that I was tired of the Catholic Church we went to asking for money every Sunday because they were "building for the lord a befitting church". I could not understand why we had been raising this building fund since I was 7yrs old, I was over it.

As an adult, I was not a good christian. Barely read my bible or prayed but I know I had the power to create the life I wanted in my mind. I remember being 8/9yrs old writing in a notebook my dream of moving to America and SPELLING out exactly how my room would look like, what I'll do when I arrive etc. Fast Forward 10yrs later, exactly what I wrote manifested.

Click the Link below to continue learning about the beginning of my Spiritual Awakening Journey